Monday, July 27

While I knew Don these dozen plus years, he had wonderful dreams of flying where he could do anything and fly anywhere. He could do hoops and fly up to the heavens and into the ocean and even around the "lightning speed". When we went to sleep at night he always said, "Where are we going to go flying tonight?" "Bimini, Hawaii..........?" When he started slipping into a coma Saturday morning, among other things, I whispered "go flying" . I am certain he visited everybody he knows and loves so dearly all day regardless of whether he heard me or not. Those were his favorite dreams and I know that is what is what he was doing, visiting everybody he loves so dearly. He has the biggest most beautiful heart and soul. He has the most brillant wings. God Bless, Missy

1 comment:

  1. That picture Moose posted validates his dreams and your sentiments. He was zooming in that picture, his arms out and the look on his face. On the best surf days at Flies, he was always flying. And I sure felt him with Stu and me this weekend.

    I said to our friend Dan Fleming last night, "All we ever had in 47 years together, was fun".
