Friday, July 31

Ma Kirk's Fishing Station

Back in the day, Ma Kirk's in South Jamesport was one of the best kept secrets on the North Fork as far as Hi-brow, Hi-end drinking establishments go. We succeeded in keeping it hidden from the Hamton-ites, which to this day has helped to maintain the charm of the area. I believe Don was 14 when we started patronizing the place. Now, Ma's eyesight wasn't too keen, so the strategy was to have big, tall, Don go in first and greet her with that already-low, authoritative voice, while the rest of us snuck in behind him and fanned out like the ground troops behind a tank, and grab a pool stick or something, to look like we'd already been pre-screened and been there awhile. This usually worked. It was either that, or Ma just went by average height for the group, and Don was tall enough to make up for the rest of us. 25-cent drafts, till 4AM. Those were the days. "Herethz your beerthz Boythz. OK, Thankth."

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