Wednesday, July 29

Another Capt. Don story......... as I been thinking about Don the last few days I'm recalling a few different " firsts". The first time I ever heard the Allman Brothers Band, Donny says "Hey ya gotta check these guys out " Thanks for that one Don . They became one of my all time favorites. Another first was my first ocean sailing delivery. Don and I took this 40ft. sloop from Conneticut to Florida. What a ride ! The first day and night, perfect, reaching down the Jersey coast, lovin it. So after a long watch on the wheel ( just two of us, no autopilot) I retire below that night, pretty beat. I wake up at first light and cannot believe my eyes. I lookout from below and there is Don, firm grasp on the helm, with the biggest waves I'd ever seen in my life rising up behind him. Mountain sized and he was surfing this boat down them and havin a ball. I think my first reaction was " Holy....... Donny". With a big grin on his face he says " We got ourselves a sleighride Robbie" . We took turns the rest of that day surfing that boat around Cape Hatteras. I'd never experienced anything like it and I remember being so confident and comfortable cause of Don's presence and abilities. Awsome! Thanks for that one too Don. Rob Gannon

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