Monday, July 27

The first time I got to know Donny was in the weeds by Sigsbee Road, a party spot. He was so big yet so nice and friendly and he looked you right in the eye. Later I would go to the beach with Don and Jeff and Mike And Rob and Don had this strong, chest up profile while surfing that was unique. Later we both moved to Florida. I would see him occasionally when I had conferences in Ft. Lauderdale. I always asked him to come up and visit my house, (the surf is better up here), but he never took me up on it. Then, when my house was wrecked in the hurricanes of 2004 he came up about 5 times to help clean up and rebuild. He did have a big heart and an amazing sense of what was right and wrong. Example.... In the mid /late eighties I was in Ft. L and Don was finishing a captain job on a head boat. I think it was Randy's gig and Don was filling in. I'm waiting for him on the dock and a young couple, who were on the boat and caught some Bonita were leaving. They had no idea what to do with the fish. Don fillet them and sent them off. I said to him, "man, they didn't tip you or anything for that." Don just said " ah, they don't have much money, I know how to clean fish, and it made their trip complete." Typical Don. Cut through the BS and do what is best. Last time I saw Donny was at his Mom's wake. We didn't talk much because we figured we get together in Fl. soon. Missy, my heart goes out to ya. Danny Fleming

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