Monday, July 27

Don fought so hard and he never gave up with this battle of this disease. We didn't get to see him much, as we live in Ohio. But when visiting my sister Betty, and Randy, he always came over to see us. We had some real good times when he visited, and when we went out to dinner he came along a few times with all of us. Don was such a caring and gentle man, and we are so sorry that he has passed. He was always there to give a helping hand. We have been reading the blogs that have been written, and it gives us smiles to see all the wonderful memories you had with him. Found this poem and thought it reminded me of Don. "" You will embark on a fair sea,and at times there will be fair weather, but not always.You will meet storms and overcome them.You will take it in turns to steer your boat through fair weather and foul. Never lose courage.Save harbour awaits the end. """

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