Wednesday, August 12

Good influence on Blake

Don is a good influence and confidant for Blake. From 16 to 29. Don did all the usuals, like teaching bad words during a game of scrabble ( and I can't believe those words are actually in the dictionary) to answering the cell phone "Fort Lauderdale Police Department" when they were out. A really fun and relaxing and cool guy to hang with. Don taught Blake a lot about cars and he gave him well thought out advice about any problem with work or life. There are 3 Volvos here, Blake's Volvo, Missy Volvo and Don's Volvo. I believe Blake went through 2. Last Valentines day they conspired and surprised me with dinner at a great restaurant and treated me like I was the most interesting person in the room. Very special. Very respectful always. Many many things I would not have done for Blake on my own and I am so grateful for his gentle manly presence in his life. We were so fortunate to be under his protection and care, much of which is far reaching , and I have yet to observe the full extent in Blake. I know I am a better person for having known Don. I know Blake is too. With Love and Gratitude, Missy

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