Thursday, September 24

Don's Memorial Weekend

For many of us out-of-towners, it was more than just the magical day on Saturday, but a weekend-long celebration in the town and on the bay where we all grew up, surrounded by life-long friends and classic fall weather. Don and Jane's presence in the hearts of the Seeths and Ehlers families, as well in the hearts of so many family friends, was evident in the tales and memories of those who shared their stories. The range of emotions from the jetty to the party, through the songs and stories, was all over the map, and perfect. It was wonderful to see so many faces from so many phases of Don's life, and to see how the years just fell away after that initial, "Whoa", of running into someone you hadn't seen in 35 years or so. This was the closest thing to a reunion I've ever been to, and I can't imagine any reunion I'll ever go to that could compare. Way to go, Don. Thanks a million, everyone, for the million or so miles we all covered to be there.

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