Friday, November 20

Williston Park Water Tower

When Don was in his early teens, late one night he was carousing with some friends in Williston Park. There might have been some beer involved in this caper, no doubt warm. Someone in the group decided to bet Don $20 that he couldn't climb to the top of the water tower. All the way to the tippy top (above where the water is stored). The tower doesn't look too tall in this photo, but it's about 300 ft high. And the only way to get to the top is via a skinny vertical ladder that is completely exposed (one wrong move and you fall all the way to the ground). To make matters worse, it was the middle of the night and pitch black. Needless to say, Don made the climb to the top and collected the $20 (much to the amazement of his buddies).
Doug found out about this adventure several years later and almost lost his lunch !!!

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